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Application Procedure

Once we receive your nomination from your home university, we will send you an email with the details about:

  • Your programme at UW (Erasmus+, Exchange)
  • Your receiving unit at UW
  • The regulations of your receiving unit regarding the course selection

The email will be sent to the address provided to us by your home university. Don’t forget to check the spam folder!

You can already start preparing the documents we need from you:

  • Transcript of Records or last achieved university diploma

It’s a list of your courses with grades obtained during your current studies. We would prefer the most recent document you have (for example, last academic year). It has to be issued in English. If you are a master student, we will accept your bachelor diploma (please upload English version).

We need this document to know what courses you have already passed. For example, if you want to study Mathematics, the mobility coordinator of our Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics can check if you have sufficient knowledge to participate in classes you selected.

  • Language Certificate

Our mandatory requirement is at least B2 level in English (or Polish). It is crucial for following the courses and taking exams. The only exception is when you come to study, for example, Spanish language, and all the courses you have chosen are in Spanish. Then we will ask you to provide us with a certificate of that language.

Please see the list of the certificates we accept as a proof of your language proficiency.

If you are not a holder of internationally recognised language certificate, you can use our Language Proficiency Form. It has to be signed and stamped by the representative of your home univeristy. This works for other languages as well.

  • UW Application Form

This document is to be generated from IRK platform – check below for more information about it. The document has to be signed and stamped by the representative of your home univeristy.


Our application platform is called IRK (Internet Recruitment of Candidates).

Each incoming student has to apply on this website – without it we will not be able to admit you to our university and open your UW student account.

Create an account, choose correct programme (Erasmus+ Student, Exchange Student – we informed you about yours in the Application Information e-mail), fill out all the necessary steps and submit the application. Only then we will be able to process your application.

Here you will find our STEP BY STEP IRK GUIDE.

You don’t have a proper photo yet? Don’t worry, you can submit the application without your photo. We will need it much later to issue your student card when you come to Warsaw.

All our courses are available in an online course catalogue – Informator ECTS. Course selection is preliminary, for recruitment purposes only; you will be able to change it later. Offer is constantly being updated, so you can also choose courses from the last academic year, as most of them will be offered again.


  • first semester and whole academic year – May 15th
  • second semester – November 15th

After submission your job is done. You have to wait until we inform you about further steps. Go to “Enrollment Applications” section on your IRK profile and check the comment section.

What happens with your application?

Thank you for your patience!


Within three weeks after you are admitted we will prepare your Letter of Acceptance (Confirmation of Acceptance). You will find it in “Files to download” section of your “Enrollment applications” – please monitor it regularly. The document will be signed with a digital signature.

In case you will need a more detailed letter for visa purposes, please let us know – we will prepare it for you.