Online Learning Agreement (OLA)
LA or OLA?
University of Warsaw is already connected to EWP Network (Erasmus Without Paper) and we are ready to receive and approve documents digitally.
- LA – Learning Agreement – a document with a list of all the courses that you plan to take during your exchange.
It has to be signed by three parties: you, your coordinator at your home institution and the mobility coordinator at the receiving UW unit.
- OLA/DLA – Online/Digital Learning Agreement – equivalent to paper LA, an online document which is prepared entirely on an online platform (indicated by your home institution).
Fully concluded OLA/DLA has to be accepted by three parties: you, your home university and the mobility coordinator at the receiving UW unit. You don’t need to provide us with a pdf version of your OLA/DLA.
Whom should I contact to get my Learning Agreement?
Erasmus+ | Exchange | Visiting |
Learning Agreement is provided by your home institution. | If your home institution didn’t provide you with LA, you can use the form available in the menu on the right. | If your home institution didn’t provide you with LA, you can use the form available in the menu on the right. |
Where can I find my LA?
Erasmus+ | Exchange | Visiting |
If your university is conected to EWP, OLA is prepared in the online system.
In exceptional cases we can accept paper version in PDF format. |
LA is prepared in a paper version and its scan is sent to the mobility coordinator by e-mail, preferably in PDF format. | LA is prepared in a paper version and its scan is sent to the mobility coordinator by e-mail, preferably in PDF format. |
What should I put in my LA/OLA?
You should enlist the courses that you want to take at UW during your exchange.
Before the mobility:
- you can put the courses that you selected on the IRK recruitment platform.
- remember that it’s your preliminary selection – the list can change, if some of the courses are unavailable or if they overlap in your timetable. Don’t worry, you can change them after your arrival to Warsaw!
During the mobility:
- the list of your courses in LA/OLA and the course list in student system USOSweb* should be the same.
- In case any changes occur (course is unavailable, overlapping, or you simply changed your mind about it) – you have to prepare changes to the Learning Agreement. It is a part (separate section) of your Learning Agreement form. Course list in USOSweb should be updated as well
- changes to your LA should be accepted (signed) by all three parties.
- if you started with Online/Digital Learning Agreement, you are asked to continue that way – there cannot be two versions, online and pdf, at the same time
*You will gain access to the stduent system USOSweb only once you are officially admitted at UW. We will send you all the necessary deatils.
When should I get my LA/OLA signed? Is there a deadline?
From our perspective, your Learning Agreement should be signed before the beginning of the semester. However, please check with your home university, as they may have other deadlines – please adhere to them.
IMPORTANT: LA/OLA can be accepted only when we inform you that you were officially admitted. Don’t send it to the mobility coordinator at the receiving UW unit before you were accepted on the IRK platform – they are not allowed to sign it yet.
Erasmus+ | Exchange | Visiting |
It can be accepted/signed only when you are accepted at the University of Warsaw (you received acceptance letter at IRK platform). | It can be accepted/signed only if you are accepted at the University of Warsaw (you received acceptance letter at IRK platform). | You should create your Learning Agreement(s) (one per UW unit) once you are accepted at the University of Warsaw and received e-mail concerning your course selection. LA should be signed by all parties and sent back to our office. Based on your Learning Agreement the Order of Payment is issued. |
How do I know who is my mobility coordinator at the Univeristy of Warsaw?
We will inform you on the IRK platform – please monitor the comment section of “Enrollment Applications” on your IRK profile.