Frequently Asked Questions
How can I become a student of the University of Warsaw?
If you are interested in a full degree programme please contact Admissions Office.
If you wish to be an exchange/visiting student (up to one academic year) please check our requirements. If your university has a partnership with UW, you will need to refer to the International Relations Office at your home institution, which is in charge of the selection process. If your home university does not have an agreement with us or in case you are not accepted to take part in the Exchange Program, you might consider studying at Warsaw as a Visiting Student (on paid basis).
Which application documents do I need to submit?
Students are required to upload in the online application:
– a copy of the most up-to-date version of their grade report,
– a digital headshot photo,
– a copy of the passport personal data page,
– a certificate confirming English language proficiency on at least B2 level,
– UW Application Form (to be generated from the recruitent platform).
More information is available here.
Are there any application deadlines?
Yes, deadline for the first semester and the whole academic year is May 15th, while for the second semester is November 15th.
Can I upload some documents after the application deadline?
No, it is not possible to upload any documents after the deadline.
Do I have to send the original application documents by post?
No, you can upload scans on our recruitment platform IRK (Internat Recruitment of Candidates).
If you are not a holder of an officially recognised certificate, you can use our Language Proficiency Form.
Does UW have any language or GPA requirements?
We do not foresee any specific GPA requirements. As for language proficiency – we need all the students to present a certificate confirming at least B2 level of English/Polish.
How much will my exchange cost?
Our Exchange Program does not foresee the payment of any fee. In order to get an idea of the estimated costs for your semester you can visit Numbeo website.
Are there any scholarships or loans available?
On our side no scholarships for incoming exchange students are foreseen. You may want to verify with your home institution if they provide students with any financial aids.
When does the semester start?
You can find semester dates in our Academic Calendar. The Winter (Autumn) semester starts in early October and ends in the beginning of February, while the Summer (Spring) semester starts in mid-February and lasts until the beginning of July.
When should I arrive in Warsaw (expected arrival date)?
We encourage students to arrive at UW in time for the Orientation Week, normally scheduled a few days prior to the beginning of courses. Students attending the Intensive Polish Language Course (winter semester only) are required to be in Warsaw by the start date of the course, since attendance is mandatory. For further info please refer to the academic calendar.
What happens if I arrive after the Orientation Meeting or after the official beginning of classes?
Orientation Week is not obligatory. The first day you need to be present is the first day of classes. If you are not able to make it (due to visa related issues, for example), please inform us by email ( notifying us about your arrival date. Please note that attendance is an obligatory requirement for passing a course; usually, two absences per semester are allowed. Please contact the lecturer and inform them about your delay, otherwise they may delete you from the course list. Upon arrival you haw show up at the IRO in order to confirm the start of your mobility, get your student card and all the relevant information about your exchange.
Is a pick up service at the airport available?
Due to the high number of incoming students, a pickup service from the airport is not provided.
When can I plan my departure?
Please refer to our academic calendar – the date marking the end of the semester is the last date we will be able to confirm on your Certificate of Attendance as the end of your mobility.
Usually the exams take place during an examination session, but sometimes a lecturer might decide to conduct a test on the last day of the course (especially when it comes to seminars). The lecturer should announce the type and date of assesment during the first class.
Does the International Relations Office UW have an account on social networks?
Our office doesn’t have a social media account, but we encourage you to visit the Facebook page of our university. Erasmus Student Network (ESN) UW creates a closed group for incoming students on their Facebook: students are encouraged to join it to be informed about important matters regarding their exchange and to interact.
Where do I apply for a visa?
You need to apply at the Polish Embassy/Consulate located in the country where you are resident/temporary resident or studying. You cannot apply for a visa or an extension of its validity in Poland.
When should I apply for a student visa?
It is important to begin this process as soon as possible since it may be a lengthy procedure. Schedule your appointment with the Polish Consulate/Embassy as soon as possible.
Which documents are required in order to apply for a visa?
Check the documentation required on the website of the Consulate where you apply since VISA requirements vary for every country and Consulate. The Admission Letter – issued by the University of Warsaw – is required. You will find it on your profile on the IRK platform (“Files to download” section).
When will I receive the Confirmation of Acceptance?
Your acceptance letter will be available at IRK platform as soon as you submit correctly your online application and your receiving UW unit confirms your acceptance. You will find it on your profile on the IRK platform (“Files to download” section).
Do EU students need to legalise/register their stay in Poland?
EU students and those from countries that form part of the European Economic Area (EEA: Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein) may enter, leave and freely circulate within the Polish territory with the sole requirement of having a valid passport or national ID card for 90 days. For stays exceeding three months, it is compulsory to register with the Office for Foreigners in the province where they intend to reside. Students must register within 3 months of their arrival in Poland. More information can be found the website of UW Welcome Point.
When will the new academic offer be available?
The academic offer is published in our online course catalogue. You can filter the results by faculty, language of instruction, year of study etc. One important thing to remember: at the moment not all our courses for next semester might not be available in our online course catalogue – they are being added successively. When filtering, please do not indicate any academic year or choose courses from last year – most of the courses should stay in our offer. Later on the course catalogue will be surely updated.
Where can I find my receiving UW unit?
In the application information e-mail (the very first one you receive from our office) we inform you which unit is going to be your receiving UW unit. Please remember to put it as your „organisational unit” during the application procedure at our IRK platform.
Are courses taught in English or in Polish?
We have a wide range of courses taught in English. You can check the language of instruction on the profile of the course.
Which courses can I attend at UW? Where can I find the UW course offer?
You are not limited to a specific year’s curriculum – as an exchange student you are allowed to select any courses from UW offer. The complete list of courses is available in our online course cartalogue.
Usually, the courses for doctoral students are exception to this rule and they are not available for exchange students. Their codes start with 1500-SZD, 1600-SZD, 1700-SZD. Please do not put them in your LA/OLA, becuase it will not be accepted.
Where can I find course descriptions?
Basic course descriptions are available by clicking on the course title in our online course catalogue.
What is the minimum course load per semester?
According to our rules, exchange students are allowed to attend courses up to 30 ECTS per semester; we demand taking at least one course from your receiving unit. However, we strongly recommend that students carefully check with their home institution which is the minimum number of credits they need in order to satisfy their requirements.
Can I come to the University of Warsaw to write my thesis only?
No, we do not allow that.
At the University of Warsaw, all the incoming students are expected to attend courses (at least one) and obtain ECTS. The only exception to this rule are PhD students. There is no possibility to focus only on writing the thesis during your mobility – however, you are welcome to do it in your free time. You must note, though, that you would have to find a Polish mentor yourself and they would be supervising your thesis on voluntary basis; also, you will not receive any ECTS credits for that.
How do I know if a course is recognised by my home university?
Course recognition and grade conversion are managed directly by the student’s home university. Check directly with your home school coordinator whether a course is approved or not.
The scale of grades at UW will be available on your transcript of records. We do not convert our scale to other university scales.
In order to follow the courses, is it enough if I submit the course selection on the IRK platform or include them in my LA?
It is not enough to submit the course selection on the IRK platform or to include them in your LA. Please take into consideration the fact that it is a preliminary selection, for recruitment purposes only!
You will be able to attend the courses only if you are registered to them in a student system USOSweb. We will provide you with a login to the student system as well as instructions of registration in the right time.
When can I register for courses?
The registration takes place shortly before the start of the semester. You will be informed by all the procedures well in advance.
What is USOSweb student system? Is there a UW App available?
The USOSweb student system includes the schedule of the courses and of the exams, classroom allocation and grades. We will give you the access only once you are officially admitted at UW.
Yes, there is an app (MyUSOSweb). You can download it and browse USOSweb on your phone.
If I spend one academic year at UW when should I select my exchange study plan?
You will register to winter-semester courses AND whole-year courses in late Septemeber and to summer-semester courses in February. Please remember that you are allowed to change your LA/OLA if you add or drop the courses.
What should I consider before registering for courses?
Please check whether courses do not overlap. You should also take into consideration a fact that we have a few campuses across the city and that moving between them may take some time.
Will I be able to register for the courses my university approved in my LA “before the mobility”?
Since the registration to the courses is handled on a first-come-first-served basis, it is not possible to guarantee that each student will be able to get into all the courses pre-approved by the home institution. Make sure your home university approves a wider number of courses in order to have higher chances of satisfying your home institution’s requirements.
Who can sign my Learning Agreement?
Your LA/OLA can be signed only by the mobility coordinator of your receiving unit at UW.
Can I choose courses from different units?
Yes. You should choose most of your courses from the receiving UW unit, but you can also select courses offered by two additional units. Apart from that, you are encouraged to take courses from our additional study offer – Polish and foreign language courses, sports classes, general university courses. Please remember that there is a limit of ECTS points (maximum 30 ECTS points per semester) and that all the courses you are registered to will appear on your transcript of records.
Do I need to attend class or can I just take the exam?
Yes, in most courses attendance is obligatory and it is one of the requirements to pass the course. Usually you can have 2 unjustified absences (unless stated otherwise by the lecturer).
Is there an add/drop period?
Yes, an add/drop period typically takes place one week after the beginning of courses: during this period exchange students have the possibility to modify their study plan, upon course availability. After this period the unregistration might not be possible. Please remember that all the courses you are registered to will appear on your transcript of records.
Do I need to open an account in a Polish bank?
If you receive the scholarship from your home institution, then opening an account in Polish bank is not necessary; however, it is of course up to you, if you want to transfer the money in order to avoid conversion rates when paying.
If you receive the scholarship from the University of Warsaw, then we will inform you if there is a necessity to open an account in Polish bank (usually there is). In most of the cases, it has to be done in person after your arrival to Warsaw; sometimes banks also need to see your student card. Please remember that as a public institution we cannot recommend any particular bank.
If you receive the scholarship from an outside provider, please check the regulations with them.
Do I need a Polish number (SIM card)?
These days it is definitely not necessary. However, getting a Polish number might be useful, for example when you want to set an online appointment with a doctor. SIM card offers usually come with data packages, which is also very handy, especially when you are far from the university WiFi.
Check with Erasmus Student Network UW – sometimes they have free starters to spare.