Traveling abroad
Before undertaking an international business trip, an employee, student, or PhD candidate is required to:
- fill out a travel application form,
- obtain insurance for the duration of travel and stay abroad (covering medical expenses, consequences of accidents, and civil liability).
Employees may apply for leave in connection with a trip abroad for scientific and teaching purposes. The application form is available on the website of the Human Resources Office.
Those traveling abroad are advised to register on the “Odysseus” online service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Registration is voluntary.
In the event of extraordinary situations abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be able to contact the person staying outside the borders of Poland, provide necessary information, and assistance through the appropriate diplomatic-consular post. The “Odysseus” system also allows receiving notifications about threats in the country of travel and other consular information.
For more information, please visit:
Passengers are required to possess and present the appropriate, valid documents at every stage of their journey.Current information on visa requirements for various countries can be found on the website: |
The completed and signed in two places Travel Application must be submitted to:
- The Head of the organizational unit at UW – for approval,
- The Treasurer's Proxy – to confirm the amount of benefits due to the traveling person and the sources of funding.
The application should then be immediately forwarded to the Treasury – Foreign Transactions Section.
The Travel Application forms the basis for foreign travel – § 5 of the Instructions on the detailed rules governing foreign travel of employees, PhD candidates, and students of the University of Warsaw and the procedure for their settlement, attached to the Rector's Ordinance No. 28 of July 25, 2011.
The Travel Application is necessary for the payment of the invoice for tickets or reimbursement of costs in the case of self-purchase of a ticket.
Ticket purchases for foreign travel are made through the WhyNot TRAVEL agency.
Upon return, the employee, student, or PhD candidate settles the allocated funds at the UW Treasury based on the Travel Cost Statement, prepared by the Foreign Transactions Section (Treasury). Foreign travel settlements are possible only electronically. Invoices/receipts confirming incurred expenses should be sent to the Foreign Transactions Section at immediately upon return.
In the absence of an invoice (receipt), the traveler submits a written statement of the incurred expense with justification for the lack of documentation. The statement requires the approval of the appropriate head of the organizational unit.
Insurance for UW employees, PhD candidates, and students who are delegated/sent abroad by UW
Note: The offer includes only Health Care Costs and Assistance insurance.
The agreement for Health Care Costs and Assistance insurance for UW employees, PhD candidates, and students delegated/sent abroad has been concluded with Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych Polski Zakład Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych (TUW PZUW) under policy No. KQ1 023E0071
The cost of the insurance premium for the above-mentioned insurance is borne by the University of Warsaw.
Those eligible for insurance include:
- Employees, PhD candidates, and students delegated/sent from the University of Warsaw abroad or staying outside the Republic of Poland based on a Travel Application approved by the head of the unit and the treasurer/proxy.
- Employees, PhD candidates, and students as well as persons outside the University of Warsaw (including foreigners) delegated/sent from UW abroad for volunteer work or staying outside the Republic of Poland for volunteer work based on a volunteer agreement concluded with UW during foreign travel.
The insurance includes liability for sudden illness due to COVID-19 caused by infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus or its variants.
To be covered by Health Care Costs and Assistance insurance, a notification must be sent to at least 3 business days before departure.
The notification should include: name and surname, date of departure and return to the country, destination country, and details of the beneficiary in case of the insured's death. The notification must be accompanied by a scanned Travel Application, approved by the head of the unit and the treasurer/proxy. Notifications without the Travel Application will not be processed.
Persons delegated/sent from UW abroad can additionally purchase Accident, Liability, and Baggage insurance at STU ERGO Hestia SA using the application and contact details as below for persons not delegated by UW (for those with Health Care Costs + Assistance insurance in TUW PZUW, the dedicated is Package VI "Supplementary" described in the "Insurance Offer in STU ERGO Hestia" below).
Insurance for UW employees, PhD candidates, and students traveling abroad who are not delegated/sent by UW, their family members, and accompanying persons
Note: The offer includes Health Care Costs + Assistance + Accident + Liability + Baggage insurance
UW employees, doctoral students, and students traveling abroad who are not delegated/sent by UW, their family members, and accompanying persons may join the Health Care Costs and Assistance insurance abroad and the Accident, Liability, and Baggage insurance (Health Care Costs + Assistance + Accident + Liability + Baggage) at STU ERGO Hestia SA on preferential terms. The insurance premium cost in such cases is borne by the interested party.
The insurance also covers events caused by coronavirus infection, in particular COVID-19, regardless of the declared pandemic or epidemic status.
The agreement with STU ERGO Hestia allows for the insurance of accompanying persons who are neither employees nor students of UW.
To apply for insurance, fill out the application form, sign it (applications for minor children are signed by their parents), and send it to the following address:
Leonard Pilipczuk, Mentor SA brokerage firm, e-mail:, tel. +48 502 027 630
The waiting time for the issuance of the policy can be up to 3 business days.
After receiving the certificate, pay the premium by making a bank transfer to the account number provided in the certificate. Payment must be made before the start of the insurance protection period so that the payment is registered before departure/flight.
An unpaid certificate is invalid and does not provide insurance coverage.
A person traveling abroad may obtain permission to travel by private car. In such cases, the Traveler is required to conclude an agreement with the University of Warsaw regarding the use of a private vehicle for business purposes.
According to ORDINANCE NO. 61 OF THE RECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW of August 4, 2017, regarding additional medical examinations for employees using official or private cars for business purposes at the University of Warsaw – Employees driving official vehicles and employees applying for permission to use a private car for business purposes are required to undergo additional medical examinations in the field of occupational medicine and present the appropriate certificate at the Human Resources Office. The referral form ("Skierowanie na dodatkowe badania lekarskie pracowników wykorzystujących samochody służbowe lub prywatne dla celów służbowych") is available on the Human Resources Office website (in the "Inne" tab).
The reimbursement of costs for using a private car for foreign business travel is based on the mileage logbook, approved by the employer.
The following legal acts regulate foreign travel of employees, Phd candidates, and students of the University of Warsaw:
- ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE MINISTER OF LABOR AND SOCIAL POLICY of October 2, 2023, regarding the announcement of a uniform text of the Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy on the entitlements of an employee employed in a state or local government budgetary unit for business travel (Journal of Laws 2013, item 2190)
- REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF LABOR AND SOCIAL POLICY of January 29, 2013, on the rights of an employee of a state or local government budgetary unit for business travel (Journal of Laws 2013 No. 0 item 167) – the regulation was partially amended by the following Minister of Family and Social Policy regulation of October 25, 2022:
- REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF FAMILY AND SOCIAL POLICY of October 25, 2022, on the rights of an employee employed in a state or local government budgetary unit for business travel (Journal of Laws 2022 item 2302) – the regulation contains current benefit rates
- REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION of October 12, 2006, on the conditions for sending individuals abroad for scientific, educational, and training purposes and their special rights (Journal of Laws 2006 No. 190 item 1405)
- Ordinance No. 22 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of April 20, 2012, amending Ordinance No. 28 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of July 25, 2011, introducing the Instructions on the detailed rules governing foreign travel of employees, doctoral students, and students of the University of Warsaw and the procedure for their settlement
- Ordinance No. 28 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of July 25, 2011, introducing the "Instructions on the detailed rules governing foreign travel of employees, doctoral students, and students of the University of Warsaw and the procedure for their settlement"
- Resolution No. 62 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of March 18, 2009, on the conditions and procedure for sending employees abroad for scientific, educational, and training purposes.
Appendix No. 1 - Application for leave in connection with foreign travel for scientific, educational, and training purposes
In connection with Ordinance No. 28 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of July 25, 2011, introducing the "Instructions on the detailed rules governing foreign travel of employees, PhD Candidates, and students of the University of Warsaw and the procedure for their settlement," we provide a template agreement for non-employees, PhD Candidates, and students of UW.
Regardless of the above-mentioned agreement, the participation of such individuals in the tasks of the University is based on a civil-law agreement regulating the scope of work performed and the amount of remuneration.
Another solution may be to add to the civil-law agreements concluded with these individuals a commitment of UW to cover the travel costs – the content of §1, §2, and §3 from the template agreement.
Furthermore, since no advance payment is provided for persons outside the University, the unit employing such a person may cover their travel costs.
Template of UW's commitment to fund expenses incurred by persons who are not employees, PhD Candidates, and students of UW in the implementation of the tasks of the University of Warsaw.